Our market studies are part of the rigorous research and evidence-based recommendations we put forward in challenging and influencing the design of practical policies for change, notably CEO and directors’ remuneration.

Research and key findings on how Private Equity leans into purpose

Key findings and recommendations from our study on the progress made towards executive pay simplification in the UK market.

Key findings and recommendations from our study on executive pay simplification in the UK market.

Detailed research data and findings from our study on executive pay simplification in the UK market.

Private Equity and Purpose

Study on Deferred Shares Progress Review

Study on Deferred Shares Key Findings Report

Study on Deferred Shares Full Report
Our input in response to various Consultations has been influential with many of the regulators, including the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), the Financial Reporting Council (FRC), the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and the investor community.

Response to the post-pandemic economic growth super inquiry and the role purpose can play in the recovery.

A suggested framework of principles and provisions for the Stewardship Code, shifting the emphasis from reporting to outcomes.

Our evidence to the BEIS Committee Inquiry on Executive Pay.

Response to the pre-consultation on the role of stewardship and key enhancements required to the Stewardship Code.

How the Proposed Code could be sharpened to align with Purpose and value-creating stakeholder relationships.

Principles and recommendations on how boards can discharge their accountabilities for wider pay policy.

How to update the 2016 Corporate Governance Code to place Purpose at the heart of UK business.

Key factors in guidance to support better reporting of intangibles, stakeholder value and purpose.

Response to the BEIS Committee’s post pandemic economic growth super inquiry

Response to the FRC consultation on the proposed revision to the UK Stewardship Code

Submission to BEIS Committee Inquiry

Response to the FRC Stewardship Code pre-consultation questions

Response to the FRC consultation on proposed revisions to UK Corporate Governance Code

Strengthening board accountability for alignment of wider pay policy

FRC’s review of the UK Corporate Governance Code

FRC’s review of corporate reporting
The owners and shareholders of a purpose-driven company with a multi stakeholder business model find that purpose is a pathway to greater profits and long term value; we continue to press for a reset of business priorities, stewardship and dividend policy.

The paper is the first in a series of three assessing the ecosystem in which purposeful startups and scaleups can best contribute to enhanced growth and productivity.

Executive summary and conclusions on how purposeful companies and investors can make better common cause

Key findings and recommendations on how purposeful companies and investors can make better common cause

Fourteen CEOs set out why they believe profit follows purpose

Thoughts on dividend policies in purposeful companies.

Our definition of Intrinsic Purpose.

Recommendations on bringing together strands of regulation and oversight to create a coherent system-wide approach to stewardship.

A summary of the academic evidence on stewardship and implications for Stewardship Code reform.

Best academic evidence on executive pay levels, making the case for simplified executive pay.

Policy manifesto for corporate governance and ecosystem change to support purposeful companies.

Academic evidence relating to purposeful companies and to the case for pursuing purpose.

The Growth Trilogy – Paper One

Advancing Purpose Executive Summary

Advancing Purpose

The Purpose Tapes – Purpose driven leaders in their own words

Dividend policy in purposeful companies

The need for an integrated regulatory approach to stewardship

Review of the UK Stewardship Code thoughts for change

Executive remuneration report

Policy report

Interim report
Please note: The views expressed in the above reports are those of the Steering Group having taken input from Task Force members and contributors. The Steering Group is operating in a personal capacity as authors and the views expressed here may not be taken to represent the perspective of their organisations. While all Task Force and Steering Group members subscribe to the aims and goals of TPC, membership of the Task Force cannot be taken to represent an endorsement of every specific policy recommendation.
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